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History of India and the World

History of India and the World

Indian History Important Dates


2300–1750Indus Valley Civilization.
From 1500Coming of the Aryans.
1200–800Expansion of the Aryans in the Ganga Valley.
600Age of the 16 Mahajanapadas of northern India.
563–483Buddha’s Life-span.
540–468Mahavir’s Life-span.
362–321Nanda dynasty.
327–326Alexander’s invasion of India. It opened a land route between India and Europe.
322Accession of Chandragupta Maurya.
305Defeat of Seleucus at the hands of Chandragupta Maurya.
273–232Ashoka’s reign.
261Conquest of Kalinga.
145–101Regin of Elara, the Chola king of Sri Lanka.
58Beginning of Vikram era.


78Beginning of Saka era.
78-101Kanishka’s reign.
319–320Commencement of Gupta era.
380Accession of Chandragupta II ‘Vikramaditya’
405–411Visit of Chinese traveller Fahien.
415Accession of Kumargupta I.
455Accession of Skandagupta.
606–647Harshavardhan’s reign.

II. Medieval

712First invasion in Sindh by Arabs (Mohd. Bin Qasim).
836Accession of King Bhoja of Kannauj.
985Accession of Rajaraja, the Chola ruler.
998Accession of Sultan Mahmud Ghazni.
1001First invasion of India by Mahmud Ghazni who defeated Jaipal, ruler of Punjab.
1025Destruction of Somnath Temple by Mahmud Ghazni.
1191First battle of Tarain.
1192Second battle of Tarain.
1206Accession of Qutubuddin Aibak to the throne of Delhi.
1210Death of Qutubuddin Aibak.
1221Chengiz Khan invaded India (Mongol invasion).
1236Accession of Razia Sultana to the throne of Delhi.
1240Death of Razia Sultana.
1296Accession of Alauddin Khilji.
1316Death of Alauddin Khilji.
1325Accession of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq.
1327Transfer of capital from Delhi to Devagiri (Daulatabad) in Deccan by the Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq.
1336Foundation of Vijaynagar empire in the South.
1351Accession of Firoz Shah Tughlaq.
1398Timur’s invasion of India.
1469Birth of Guru Nanak.
1494Accession of Babur in Farghana.
1497–98First voyage of Vasco da Gama to India (discovery of sea route to India via the Cape of Good Hope)
1526First Battle of Panipat; Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodhi; foundation of Mughal dynasty by Babur.
1527Battle of Khanwa-Babur defeated Rana Sanga.
1530Death of Babur and accession of Humayun.
1539Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun in the battle of Chausa and became India’s emperor.
1555Humayun recaptured the throne of Delhi.
1556Second Battle of Panipat (Bairam Khan defeated Hemu).
1565Battle of Talikota (Rakshasa-Tangadi).
1576Battle of Haldighati-Rana Pratap was defeated by Akbar.
1582Din-i-Ilahi founded by Akbar.
1600English East India Company established.
1605Death of Akbar and accession of Jahangir.
1606Execution of Guru Arjun Dev, the 5th Guru of Sikhs.
1611Jahangir marries Nurjahan.
1615Sir Thomas Roe visits Jahangir.
1627Birth of Shivaji and death of Jahangir.
1628Shahjahan becomes emperor of India.
1631Death of Mumtazmahal.
1634The English permitted to trade in India (in Bengal).
1659Accession of Aurangzeb, Shahjahan imprisoned.
1665Shivaji imprisoned by Aurangzeb.
1666Death of Shahjahan.
1675Execution of Guru Teg Bahadur, the 9th Guru of Sikhs.
1680Death of Shivaji.
1707Death of Aurangzeb.
1708Death of Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Guru of Sikhs.
1739Nadir Shah invades India.
1757Battle of Plassey, establishment of British political rule in India at the hands of Lord Clive.
1761Third battle of Panipat.

III. Modern

1764Battle of Buxar.
1765Clive appointed Company’s Governor in India.
1767–69First Angle-Mysore War.
1780Birth of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
1780-84Second Anglo-Mysore War.
1784Pitt’s India Act.
1790-92Third Anglo-Mysore War.
1793The Permanent Settlement of Bengal.
1799Fourth Anglo-Mysore War;Death of Tipu Sultan.
1802Treaty of Bassein.
1809Treaty of Amritsar.
1829Practice of Sati prohibited.
1830Raja Rammohan Roy visits England.
1833Death of Raja Rammohan Roy at Bristol, England.
1839Death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
1839–42First Anglo-Afghan War.
1845–46First Anglo-Sikh War.
1852Second Anglo-Burmese War.
1853First Railway line opened between Bombay and Thane and a Telegraph line in Calcutta.
1857The Sepoy Mutiny or First War of Independence.
1861Birth of Rabindranath Tagore.
1869Birth of Mahatma Gandhi.
1885Foundation of Indian National Congress.
1889Birth of Jawaharlal Nehru.
1897Birth of Subhash Chandra Bose.
1903Tibet Expedition.
1905Partition of Bengal by Lord Curzon.
1906Foundation of Muslim League.
1911Delhi Darbar, King George V and Queen visit India; Delhi becomes the capital of India.
1914World War I begins.
1916Lucknow Pact signed by Muslim League and Congress, Foundation of BHU, Home Rule League founded.
1918World War I ends.
1919Montague-Chelmsford Reforms introduced, Jallianwala Bagh massacre at Amritsar.
1920Khilafat Movement launched, first meeting of All-India Trade Union Congress, Hunter Commission Report on Jallianwala Bagh Massacre Published First Non-cooperation movement launched by Gandhi.
1922Violent incidents at Chaura Chauri Gandhi calls of Non-cooperation movement.
1925Communist Party of India organised at Kanpur.
1927Boycott of Simon Commission, Broadcasting started in India.
1928Death of Lala Lajpat Rai, Nehru Report.
1929Resolution of ‘Poorna Swaraj’ (complete independence) passed at Lahore Session of INC.
1930Civil disobedience movement launched, Dandhi March by Mahatma Gandhi (April 6, 1930) First round table conference held in London.
1931Gandhi-Irwin Pact, Civil Disobedience movement suspended Second round table conference held.
1932MacDonald announces communal award (modified by Poona Pact, September 24).
1935Government of India Act.
1937Provincial Autonomy, Congress forms ministries.
1938All India Kishan Sabha formed.
1939World War II begins (September 3), Resignation of Congress Ministries in Provinces.
1941Escape of Subhash Chandra Bose from India and death of Rabindranath Tagore.
1942Arrival of Cripps Mission in India, Quit India movement launched (August 8).
1943–44SC Bose forms Provisional Government of Free India and Indian National Army in Singapore; Bengal famine.
1945Trial of Indian National Army at Red Fort, Shimla Conference; World War II ends.
1946British Cabinet Mission visits India; Interim government formed at the Centre. The Muslim league decides on “Direct Action” for winning Pakistan.
1947Division of India; India and Pakistan form separate independent dominions

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